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JHJ2011, Author at Junior Hockey Junkies Junior Hockey Junkies

Author Archive

JHJ Thanks You!!!

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JHJ Thanks You!!!

Thank you to all who supported the Junior hockey Junkies, the Hitmen family and all the players, coaches and support staff in this shortened season. We were able to get in three bus trips and had a fourth ready to go March 14 when the league paused the hockey season, followed by the latest… the cancellation of the rest of the season.                        Link to Announcement.

Best wishes to Mark Kastelic, Kyle ...

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JHJ Events

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic all JHJ events are cancelled. We do hope to be planning new events in the very near future.

Thank you for your support of the Junior Hockey Junkies

Tim, Rhonda, Santa and Darrell

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Welcome to Junior Hockey Junkies

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Welcome to Junior Hockey Junkies

Join the Junkies throughout the year as we promote Junior Hockey and the Calgary Hitmen.  Key events held each year are; Fan Bus Trips during the season and of course the playoffs, annual trip to the CHL Memorial Cup and last but not least the annual JHJ “Lost Ball Open” Golf Tournament.

Junior Hockey Junkies

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