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JHJ Thanks You!!! - Junior Hockey Junkies Junior Hockey Junkies

JHJ Thanks You!!!

With the hockey season winding down the Junior Hockey Junkies would like to thank all who have contributed to a very successful year. This past season saw the Junkies host their 15th Annual LBO (Lost Ball Open) Golf Tournament where 51 golfers enjoyed a beautiful day on the links. We ran x regular season bus trips to follow the Hitmen play in enemy barns.

The safety of our supporters will always come first. After the regular season ended the Junkies were able to run four highly successful playoff bus trips. Two were to Red Deer and two to Edmonton The Junior Hockey Junkies also hosted two pub viewings of Games 1 and 5 of the Western Conference Finals at Melrose Cafe and Bar. These were highly successful with 40 and 55 people attending respectively. None of these events can occur without the support of the Hitmen fans as they follow their favourite hockey team throughout the WHL. We were very pleased to see many new faces on the bus trips this season. We trust that each and every one of you enjoyed your Junior Hockey Junkies experience as much as we enjoyed hosting you at our events and we hope to see you back on the bus next season. We are hoping that the scheduling gods will be with us next season and we can do even more bus trips to additional WHL rinks. We will endeavour to have our bus schedule posted as soon as we can.

Calgary Hitmen Hockey Club The Junior Hockey Junkies would like to thank the Hitmen players, coaching staff and management for a great season. You took us fans on a great ride right through to the Western Conference Finals, where many of the pundits did not give you much of a chance. We are all proud of the way you represented the Hitmen colors and please know you can hold your head high after a gritty seven game final series. Thank you to our graduating players Cody Sylvester, Brooks Macek and Spencer Humphries. You have left us with many memories over your years of service. Good luck in your future endeavours, whether they be hockey or business related. You will be successful whichever direction you head. To the remainder of the players have a great summer and we are sure you’ll show up at training camp ready to battle for the WHL crown. We would also like to thank the Hitmen office staff for all their efforts in getting the Junior Hockey Junkies information out to all Hitmen season ticket holders. We definitely saw an increase in new Hitmen fans on our bus trips which were directly attributable to the emails sent out and the in house announcements during games. The Junior Hockey Junkies look forward to working with you next season so that we can get more Hitmen fans on the buses to rinks throughout the WHL.

Hitmen Cororate Caring Program As many of you are aware the Junior Hockey Junkies hold 50/50 raffles on their bus trips and golf tournament. The JHJ portion of the 50/50 raffle goes towards our bronze sponsorship in the Hitmen Corporate Caring Program. This program provides Hitmen tickets to Calgary Board of Education, low income and new immigrant families, minor sports teams and Kids Up Front to allow children to see the Hitmen team that we all so avidly support. Thank you to everyone who participated in our 50/50 raffles at the various events. The Junior Hockey Junkies are very proud to be sponsors of this great charitable cause.

The Junior Hockey Junkies hope you have a great summer and once again thank you for your continued patronage of the Junior Hockey Junkies bus trips and golf tournament.

We look forward to seeing everyone at training camp in August.

Rhonda Johnson
Tim Johnson
Darrell Forrest
Kim “SANTA” Thomas